May 21

I'm finally back! Hopefully it won't be another month or so before I come here to update.  There's been a lot going on, including a wonderful vacation in Arizona! Maybe more about that later. In the meantime, here's a new tile I just finished. It's for Diva's Weekly Challenge #218, where we were challenged to use a white gel pen (I used Gelly Roll by Sakura) on black tile (I used an official Zentangle tile).  The tangles I used for this are Mooka and Zinger.

I thought maybe that was a little too simple, so I've changed it a bit. Which one do you prefer, the original or this one?

And here is black on white! Black Pigma Micron on white 3.5 x 3.5 Zentangle tile. Lightly shaded with regular graphite #2 pencil. And here again I used Mooka and Zinger.

Also, some of you know that I also make jewelry. I have entered a contest to win a book about making Vintage style Jewelry. Wish me luck!

I'll be back in a couple days with more. In the meantime, won't you please let me know you were here?  Your comments mean a lot, and I will reply.
Thank you.  =^;^=


  1. Oh, so beautiful Zinger! Lovely tile!

    1. Thank you! This was my first attempt at Zinger

  2. Your white on black tile is really effective---very crisp with a lovely combination of well executed tangles. What type of white pen did you use?

    1. Thank you Suzanne. I used a while Gelly Roll by Sakura. I'm trying to get more comfortable using gel pens and black tiles.

  3. You do great work and I'm thrilled to see you posting it again!


    1. Thank you! It's good to be blogging again, though I'd rather be blogging from Arizona!

  4. Beautiful combination of Mooka and Zinger.

  5. Beautiful combination of Mooka and Zinger.

  6. This is a great combo for a black tile. Those Zingers are so nice and bold and the Mooka compliments it nicely!

    1. Thank you Jean. This is my first attempt at Zinger. It was quite fun!

  7. White on black has really come out well. Very effective use of the tangles.

    1. Thank you Indira! I was nervous about making this. Your kind words encourage me to use white on black again in the future.

  8. Using zinger and mooka together is so effective. Amazing how simplicity translates as elegant!

    1. Thank you Lynell. I've not done much white on black, so opted for simple. I appreciate the feedback that simple works!

  9. Lovely tile! Your white lines look so smooth! It isn't always so easy to get them to look like that, but yours are awesome!!! Thanks for the sunshine on my blog! Have a great weekend! Oh, I love how you sign your work! Too cute! :0) Annette

    1. Thank you Annette. You are SO RIGHT! It's not easy working with gel pen or black tiles! This is only about the 3rd time I've tried. I hope you have a great weekend also. And thanks for noticing my little sig CT.

  10. Your Zinger looks absolutely stunning! I know how hard it is to draw with a white gel pen on black, so: great job!

  11. Very beautiful and also a very good white pen. Lovely


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