October 11 - 17
Wow. I cannot believe I haven't been here since August. I won't bore you with all the details, but I have been busy with "challenge" at work throughout the month of September. Then there was the horrible tragedy at my Alma Mater, Umpqua Community College. And last Friday was a trip north to Eugene for a follow-up visit to NeuroSpine Institute (still waiting for results from some Xrays they took). Anyway, I'm here now. I have a lot of catching up to do on Joey's Weekly Alphabet Challenge , so that is where I'm going to start. This week's challenge was using the letter "S", and the tangle that we were given was Striping. This is what I came up with. If you stopped by earlier this week, you know that I already had "O" and "N" ready, but hadn't taken pictures yet. Well, now I have taken the pictures. So, without further delay, here is Oke, for the letter "O" And, for the letter "...